Hemp oil has been used for many generations as it has immense healing and balancing effects on dogs and cats. The amount of hemp oil to give your pet depends on the size and breed of the animal, so consult with your veterinarian beforehand. Also, to ensure you see results as quickly as possible (usually between 4 and 6 weeks), you need to be consistent with the dosage you give your pets. Here are some benefits of using hemp oil for dogs and cats:
1. Medical health
Hemp oil has been proven to help improve a dog’s circulatory system. If your dog is injured, the vitamin E found in hemp formulas will help heal open wounds and recover weakened muscles. It’ll also help protect your dog from free radicals. The vitamin E is in hemp oil is also great for a cat’s skin as it can treat ear mites, mange, and flea allergies. Overall, Hemp oil helps reduce inflammation and gastrointestinal issues, and improves dogs and cats’ immune systems. Hemp oil also works as a superior moisturizer to relieve dry and itchy skin, eczema, acne, and dry noses.
2. Improved mental health and pain tolerance
If your dog or cat is suffering from anxiety, trauma, nausea, stress, withdrawals, memory loss, mood swings, or other mental health issues, hemp oil can help. Hemp oil eases your pet from pain and fear by stimulating their endocannabinoid systems. After consistent use, you should see improvements in your pet’s mental health and pain tolerance. Their eyes should be nice and clear and look stress-free. Hemp oil is even becoming a common therapeutic medicine that veterinarians will use on pets.
3. Reduced separation anxiety
Another great benefit of using hemp oil is that it helps reduce separation anxiety, which is the uncomforting feeling pets feel when separated from their mother. Many pet owners have a hard time dealing with separation anxiety. Most of the time, toys and other distractions never work. Hemp oil solutions interact and influence the endocannabinoid system. This is believed to reduce separation anxiety as well as other anxieties as mentioned in a 2015 literature study about neurotherapeutics.
4. Behavioral improvements
Many behavioral issues found in pets are linked to anxiety and other mental health issues. After giving your dog or cat hemp oil, you should see improvements in their aggressive or destructive behavior. It’s recommended that you be consistent with the use of hemp oil for at least 4 and 6 weeks before seeing positive behavioral changes. After that, your pet should feel calmer and more relaxed around other people and pets.
A great hemp oil to consider is Pet Pawsitive’s Hemp Oil for dogs and cats. Using this oil regularly will help your dog or cat gain the benefits listed above and more. It even helps your pet deal with noise phobias like fireworks and thunderstorms. Pet Pawsitive Hemp Oil is made in USA and 1% of the net sales proceeds goes to pet shelters.